Sony Dumps Rear Projection TV

January 23, 2008

Sony will exit the rear projection TV category to focus on flat-panel LCD TV after current inventories of its 3LCD- and SXRD-based products are exhausted, a company spokesman confirmed.

“We are moving our resources more toward LCD TV, because that’s what people really want,” a Sony spokesman said, confirming a published report.

The company began telling select retailers about the decision following several months of study, the spokesman said, adding that Sony will continue selling front projection products through its custom home theater division.

The decision came despite the fact that Sony ranked second in the category for sell-through, with 28 percent of the U.S. market through November, behind Samsung, according to The NPD Group. Sony rear projection sets were also No. 1 in shelf-share at 31.77 percent in November, according to Current Analysis West, an NPD Group company.

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