Another Sony Blu-ray Win: Woolworths drops HD DVD

Sony Blu-ray Win
It seems to be just a matter of time now to we see the end of HD DVD, with the news breaking today that Woolworths in the UK has dropped HD-DVD in favour of the Sony Blu-ray format. This news makes me glad I brought a Sony PS3, what makes this even more significant is the fact that Woolworths is “the UK’s biggest retailer of next-gen DVD discs” and it’s going to exclusively back Blu-ray from March 2008.

The store said that Blu-ray discs outsold HD DVDs by ten-to-one last month. Add this to other news around the world it looks like Blu-ray will be the winner of the next major format.

Do you think the Sony PlayStation 3 machine has added a lot to the success of the Blu-ray format

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